How far along? 25 weeks...only 9 to go until I reach my first goal set by my doctor!
Weight gain/loss: We'll see on Friday at my appointment what these past 3 weeks on bedrest has done. At my last appointment I was up 10lbs from pre-pregnancy. Hoping to keep my grand total at or under 35lbs when all is said and done! Logan is being VERY good to Mommy.
Maternity clothes? yes...but I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy pants/jeans if I rubberband them to hold them up.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? It's taking me longer to fall asleep now that I'm on bedrest.
Best moment this week? Finding out that I received $5000 of my student loans paid back! This was the 3rd time I applied and it couldn't have come at a better time. Also, insurance finally approved my terbutaline pump and home monitor. I hooked myself up for my first monitoring session and didn't have ANY contractions! woohoo
Food cravings: Still haven't had any "cravings." However, I could always go for some Chick-fil-a and anything with strange.
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In, but Jordan was making fun last night that it's going to "pop" at any moment...definitely becoming very shallow.
Movement? All the time...this kid is ACTIVE. I love to feel him wiggle around!
What I miss? Being able to hop in the car and go where I please, when I please.
What I'm looking forward to: Friday's doctor appointment. I can't wait to see how big Logan is getting!
Milestones: I have successfully completed 3 weeks of bedrest...2 in a hospital and 1 at home.
Here's what baby looks like this week:
Big day today! 25 weeks seems like such a big number to me. Only 9 weeks until my first "goal" set by the doctor and only 11 until the pump is removed! Insurance finally got their you know what together and approved my pump. Two very sweet nurses came to the house this morning and showed me how everything works. It's all very overwhelming, but they left me with a step by step tutorial book and they are sending a nurse out again on Friday to go over everything one more time. The pump was actually placed in my upper thigh, not my abdomen like I was originally told. It doesn't hurt and I can shower with it in. I also have to hook myself up to the contraction monitor twice a day and send my info via a wireless modem. After each session, a nurse calls within 30 min to tell me they received the info, tell me if I had any contractions, and tell me how to give myself extra doses of the medicine if I need it. It seems like so much to remember, but I was assured that it will all come as second nature within a few days. I hope they're right!
I have a doctor's appointment on Friday and my dad will be taking me since I can't drive. They will be doing an ultrasound and checking Logan's measurements. He HAS to be over 2lbs now. The kicks, rolls, and wiggles are pretty much all the time and you can now see my belly's kind of freaky. At 22 weeks, he was 1 lb 6 oz, which was already ahead of the average baby for that gestational age. This boy is going to be BIG. We also got to see his feet in the last ultrasound and the tech goes, "WOW. This baby has big feet!" I guess he's going to take after his daddy's size 14/15 shoe size. I'm just so glad he is so big already...makes me feel better if something were to happen and I were to go into labor early.
I will update again Friday afternoon with details from the doctor's appointment and a picture of my 25 week belly. I feel like it has grown a ton, but everyone keeps telling me I'm still so tiny for 25 weeks. Logan, thank you for being so good to Mommy's body!
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