Weight gain/loss: +15/16 from pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? mix of both...looking forward to wearing my old clothes again! It will be like shopping for FREE!
Stretch marks? So blessed to not have a single one! Again, thank you Mom for your good genes :)
Sleep? SOOOOOO much better. I wake up once an hour to use the restroom, but I fall right back asleep. However, I think these last few nights are going to be harder to sleep because I'm so excited.
Best moment this week? So many this week!
1. Jordan gave me my LAST progesterone shot.
2. We set an induction date.
3. Jordan took me to get a haircut on Friday. I hadn't had one since the end of August. I had her cut off more than I would have liked just because I don't know when the next time I will get one will be. It's amazing how a simple haircut can make you feel like a new woman! :)
4. Jordan got me out of the house on Sunday and we went to visit with our parents.
5. Finished my home monitoring on Tuesday! I can't tell you how exciting it is to never have to hook myself up again to be monitored...oh wait, I guess I still have to get through labor. haha
6. Got my stitch out.
7. Went to Chuy's last night for a belated Valentine's Day with Jordan.
8. Turned off the Terbutaline pump and took the site out of my leg today. This makes me excited, but nervous!
9. Soaking up these last few days/nights with my wonderful Husband before the little man joins our family!
Food cravings: Still drinking a lot of milk. Finished a whole gallon all to myself...I've NEVER done that.
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In...I guess it's never going to POP. Oh well, maybe that means it will go back to my cute pre-pregnancy belly button pretty quickly. ha
Movement? Still a wild one. He loves to kick like crazy during my non-stress tests.
What I miss? Nothing...the best will be here in 6 days!
What I'm looking forward to: 2/22/11
Milestones: Making it to 36 weeks/9 months!
Not much to report. It's been a very eventful week full of milestones and accomplishments. I never ever ever knew how strong I was until now. Looking back on the past 9 months, I'm proud of what I have gone through and the person it has made me become. I have not taken a single second of this pregnancy for granted. My baby is truly a miracle and he and I already have such a strong bond. These last 6 days are going to be bitter sweet. As eager as I am to meet this little guy, it's going to be sad to not have him wiggling around in my stomach every day. I talk to him ALL THE TIME since it's just the two of us hanging out during the day. Soon enough, it will be time to share my precious boy with the world. I can't thank my friends and family enough for all of the prayers, support, and words of encouragement throughout these past 9 months. Logan is one LOVED baby and he has so many people ready to welcome him into this world.
These last 6 days are going to be crazy. Jordan is at an important training for work today and tomorrow, so Logan needs to STAY. PUT. Now that I'm totally off of the terb pump, I'm so nervous. Excited, but nervous. Anything can happen between now and Tuesday. Being the planner that I am, I like the fact of knowing that Tuesday will be the day. We still have a few last minute things to do and thinking that there is nothing stopping labor now makes me a little anxious.
Here's our agenda for the next 6 days:
Wednesday: lay low and not do ANYTHING to bring on labor...Jordan has a training for work and company dinner tonight
Thursday: same as Wednesday minus a company dinner
Friday: LAST doctor appt at 10 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Non-stress test, ultrasound, office visit. My doctor is the one on call all weekend (how perfect!) so I don't have to worry about another doctor delivering Logan if I were to go into labor before Tuesday. Jordan will be running last minute errands after he gets off work at 11.
Saturday: The maid is coming one more time to scrub the house. I want Logan to come home to a fresh, clean home. We might go out to a nice dinner.
Sunday: no real plans...enjoying our last Sunday without baby
Monday: Jordan will go to work and I will make sure everything is ready to go for the hospital
Tuesday: We have to be at the hospital at 5 am...OUCH. It will be super early, but I have a feeling I won't be getting much sleep the night before anyway. Induction starts at 5 and hopefully we will have a baby boy by the end of the day!
I feel like time is moving soooo slow right now. HURRY UP TUESDAY! :)
My next to last bump picture! We will get one more the morning of the induction since I will be 37 weeks:
How exciting that you are so close! I hope all goes well for you!