Weight gain/loss: +9 pounds from pre-pregnancy...I gained 2 pounds since last week
Maternity clothes? yes...but I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy pants/jeans if I rubberband them to hold them up.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? It's taking me longer to fall asleep now that I'm on bedrest.
Best moment this week? Finding out my cervix has not changed since last week!
Food cravings: No real cravings
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? All the time. Sometimes I wonder if he's having a dance party in there. hehe
What I miss? Driving my car
What I'm looking forward to: Having Logan's furniture be delivered and set up on Saturday! My boy is going to have the cutest nursery!
Milestones: We're in the 3rd trimester, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was my weekly doctor visit. The nurses are so sweet and all come up to ask how I'm doing every week. I'm so excited to report SOOOO much good news today!
1. I PASSED the glucose test! Thank God. I told my Dad in the waiting room that I was going to cry if I had failed it because I don't think I could handle the 3 hr test. So glad I don't have to drink that nasty drink again...well, until baby #2 that is! hehe
2. Logan, overall, is measuring 28 weeks, 1 day. He weighs about 2 lbs 5 oz and is still growing like a champ. He is in the 52nd percentile. His head...well, that's another story. His head is measuring 30 weeks. GOOD-NESS. I guess it was inevitable since both Jordan and I have huge noggins.
3. We got to see Logan drinking the amniotic fluid. Baby boy's tongue kept going in and out of his mouth. That was by far one of the neatest things I've ever seen.
4. My cervix last week was 1.4cm and today it was 1.5cm!!! I think the increase is due to some margin of error, but regardless, it didn't get shorter!!!
5. My doctor said I can wait 3 weeks to see him next...woohoo. He said things are looking good and that I can wait until the first week of January to come back.
Good things...all good things. I asked him when the stitch would be removed. Typically, doctors will remove it at 37 weeks, which is considered full term. However, based on my situation, my contractions, my cervix, and the fact that Logan is measuring ahead, he said he might remove it between 33-34 weeks, but we will play it by ear. HOLY COW. That makes me VERY excited.
My Dad asked about the possibility of me sitting in a wheel chair and going to the store just to get out of the house for a bit. He said that was not an option right now since things are looking so good. However, when I go back the first week of January, I will be 30 weeks and he said it could definitely be an option once we get to that point. WOOHOO!!!
Lastly, I got my second Rhogam shot. I have O- blood and Logan has O+ blood. Therefore, my body would eventually try to build up antibodies that would attack his blood if I didn't get the shot. We found out about this when I had that huge scare back in August and had to go to the emergency room for the bleeding. I got my first shot there. I will get the last shot as soon as Logan is born. I will have to get the shots with all of my future pregnancies.
We are having a fetal MRI done next Wednesday at Texas Children's to get a better idea of what the "cyst" is in Logan's tummy. I will have a follow up appointment with the high risk doctor the following week. We're hoping we can get a definite answer as to what it is and how we will go about treating it.
This weekend is going to be so much fun! We are having all of Logan's furniture delivered and set up on Saturday. I can't wait to see it in his room...it will make everything more real. I'm sure some tears will be shed once it is all in its place. Once it gets set up, the decorating can begin!
I will leave you with some pictures of my bump and a picture of Logan!
I got lots of compliments on my shirt today! Not sure it will fit me next week, so I had to be sure to wear it at least once this season.
And here is our handsome little guy:
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