Weight gain/loss: I'm guessing at least +10 pounds from pre-pregnancy. We don't have a scale at home so the only time I get weighed is when I see the doctor. I won't get weighed again until Jan 4th...that should be interesting!
Maternity clothes? mix of both
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? I had 2 great nights of sleep this week. HOORAY. However, my body seems to think it's the first trimester again and I wake up to pee about 4958392048958 times during the night.
Best moment this week? Finding out I will get $8000 based on my students/team's TAKS scores from April. It couldn't have come at a better time! Oh, and getting Logan's furniture...I will add pictures once we are finished decorating!
Food cravings: Nada
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? All the time...it still freaks Jordan out to see the baby rolling around and punching on my tummy.
What I miss? Target. hehe
What I'm looking forward to: Spending Christmas Eve at my parents' house and Christmas Day at my brother and sister-in-law's.
Milestones: We're at a point in the pregnancy where the survivability rate is over 90% if Logan were to make an early appearance. I can breathe a sigh of relief!
Tomorrow is the MRI. Please pray everything is okay with the little one and that he won't have to have surgery at delivery...or at any time for that matter. We won't get the results until we see the high-risk doctor next Monday. I'm spending the night at my parents' house tonight since my appointment is at 7 am at Texas Children's in the Med Center. My Dad will be taking me since Jordan isn't off work until Thursday.
I will update more next week about our Christmas and our visit with the high-risk doctor. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!! I can't believe this is our last Christmas without a baby...we get to be "Santa" next year and I.CAN'T.WAIT!!!!
Here's my 28 week bump...I cut off my head because I have no make up on and look gross. Also, I think Logan has finally moved up in my tummy a little bit. :)
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