How far along? 30 weeks
Weight gain/loss: +12 pounds from pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? mix of both
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? Not the best, but it could be worse.
Best moment this week? Spending a low-key New Year's Eve with Jordan!
Food cravings: Nada
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? All the time. We were lying in bed one night this week (I was on the computer and Jordan was watching football) and we decided to put headphones on my tummy so Logan could hear his lullabies. He's heard them many times before, but on this night I think he wanted nothing to do with them. He pushed his little foot so hard against my stomach that he kicked the headphones off multiple times. Jordan then changed the music to some Beatles and other non-lullaby music and he settled down. Go figure.
What I miss? I'm really missing my students and co-workers.
What I'm looking forward to: Jordan's 26th birthday on Friday!!! He ruined his surprise and got himself the ipodTouch I had planned on getting him. That boy is so impatient when it comes to electronics. Now I have NO idea what to get him...
Milestones: 30 weeks! Also, Friday marks EIGHT weeks of bedrest. I can't believe it's already been that long. Even though the days can get long and boring, it seems to be going by pretty fast when I think about how long it has been. I hope the rest of my time goes just as fast!
I had my 30 week appointment back with my regular doctor today. ALL GOOD THINGS. I'm liking this pattern! We'll start with Logan's stats:
heart rate= 154 bpm
weight= 3lbs 12oz (up 6 oz in a week!!! GROW, BABY, GROW!)
head measurement= 33 weeks (97th percentile...poor Mommy)
overall measurement= 31 weeks 6 days...that means he is measuring almost TWO full weeks ahead. WOOHOO! I really think he is going to be a February baby....and that's ok with me!
Other updates: My cervix was 1.58cm...which means it hasn't gotten shorter in over 4 weeks now! Bedrest must really be working. Doctor says my weight is fine, even though I haven't gained what most women have by this point in their pregnancy. I'm hoping that means it will all come off relatively quickly...a girl can dream, right? Since things have stayed the same for over a month now, I don't have to go back to the doctor for 2 more weeks. Before we left, I asked about getting "privileges" back (sitting in a wheelchair and going to a store, restaurant, etc) and my doctor laughed and said, "you can have your privileges with baby #2 after we do a cerclage at 12 weeks." Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I understand it's for the best. He said the stitch will come out between 34-35 weeks! My thoughts are that once the stitch comes out, all bets are off. I'm not going to go crazy and resume my normal lifestyle, but you better believe I'm not staying in bed ALL day. :)
Another reason I believe I'm not getting privileges is because of what happened this past Sunday morning. I woke up and did my routine monitoring session. I had 7 contractions within the hour and they were 5-6 minutes apart. Anything over 6 contractions in an hour is when doctors and nurses start worrying...especially when they are coming in a pattern. I was also able to feel all of them, also not good. They weren't painful, just a tightening sensation. I'm pretty sure these were Braxton Hicks contractions (which are normal for any pregnant lady at this stage in the game) because I've been having them for a couple of weeks now. However, the fact that they were in a pattern was what was making me and the nurses worry. I was given an extra dose of medicine and then had to remonitor an hour later. Things had calmed down by then. Sunday night, the nurses bumped up my continuous dosage to try to knock out all the irritability I've been having. Since then, my strips have looked good. Still having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day, but my doctor said that's normal. Sooooo, I'm sure this is another reason my doctor doesn't want to ease up on things. Doesn't look like I'll be seeing the inside of a Target for at least another 4-5 weeks...DARN. :)
All in all, I can't complain. When I was at 22 weeks and all of this began, 30 weeks seemed so far away and I didn't know how I would make it until then. Now that it's here, I have to say that I'm proud of myself for keeping this little guy cooking without a return trip to the hospital. Four more weeks, four more weeks, four more weeks...that's my next goal for myself! And within these next 4 weeks, I have lots of things to look forward to: Jordan's birthday, decorating/finishing the nursery, meeting Logan's pediatrician, my baby shower hosted by 2 of my awesome sister-in-laws, my last visit with the high-risk doctor, and hopefully finishing up any last minute details before we welcome our son into the world! I have a feeling it's going to fly by! I. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
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