Weight gain/loss: I've lost 3 pounds since my last appointment, which was 2 weeks ago. How is this happening??? I'm about +9 pounds from pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? mix of both
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? Still awful...mostly because of my itching.
Best moment this week? A few things this week: 1. Making HUGE progress in Logan's nursery. Jordan and I keep going in there and staring at everything and talking about how cute it is. 2. Getting $2500 in redistribution money from the DATE Grant at work. 3. My doctor's appointment today!
Food cravings: Nothing really
Gender: BOY
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? 24 hour dance party still going strong!
What I miss? This week I have REALLY missed some Chuy's. mmmmm. I can't wait to go eat there when I hit 36 weeks and I sneak out of the house! hehe
What I'm looking forward to: My first baby shower on Saturday!
Milestones: EIGHT MONTHS!
Well...I made it to eight months and have survived 10 weeks of bed rest! I honestly can't believe how far I've come. I'm so proud of our baby boy for cooperating and hanging out for so long. Today was my 32 week appt back at my regular doctor. As usual, it started off with an ultrasound to get Logan's measurements. Here are his stats:
heart rate: 154 bpm
head: measuring over 35 weeks
tummy: measuring over 34 weeks
weight: 5 pounds even! F-I-V-E pounds. What a big boy!
My doctor's first words when he walked in the room were "this is getting to be a BIG baby." I knew Logan had just gone through a big growth spurt. I was SO uncomfortable last week and I've been so hungry lately. I guess he's taking all the nutrients from me and that's why I'm losing weight. So strange. Anyway, my doctor gave me the "game plan" for the rest of the pregnancy. I won't go back to see him until 35 weeks (what in the world will I do with myself! ha). At 35 weeks, it will just be an office visit...no ultrasound since my cervix is still the same (wahoo!!!) and we know the baby is big. I will then go back at 36 weeks and the stitch will be removed. Also, at that time I will be taken off the pump, will stop having to monitor, and won't have to get weekly progesterone shots anymore. HOLY COW! Basically, my doctor won't stop labor after this point. We could have a baby very soon thereafter, or I could end up going another 2-3 weeks. Either way, week 36 will be awesome!
In the past month or so, I've developed severe itching. We're talking claw your skin off it's so bad. I've not been able to sleep at night and it is absolutely miserable. A few weeks ago, I called my doctor's nurse and she said there really wasn't anything I could do and that I could take Benadryl. I did that for a while, but last week I just couldn't stand it anymore. I called her again and she called me back and said my doctor was calling in a steroid cream. She said my doctor also gave the ok to allow me to take an Aveeno oatmeal bath. Since I got the cerclage, I haven't been able to soak in a tub. When she said he was now ok with it, it was like music to my ears...it was H-E-A-V-E-N. When I went to the doctor today, I mentioned the itching again and told my doctor that it gets really bad on my hands and feet. I guess the nurse failed to mention that part to my doctor. After my appointment, I was sent over to the hospital to have my blood drawn to check my bile acid levels. There is a condition called cholestasis that pregnant women can get. It's when the flow of bile from the liver gets blocked. The major symptom is itching on the hands and feet. Treatment usually requires extra monitoring of the baby and sometimes leads to inducing labor to ensure the safety of the baby. I should be getting those results this afternoon. We'll see.
Now to the exciting stuff! We got so much knocked out in Logan's nursery this weekend. Jordan and his Dad installed a ceiling fan, my parents came over and we washed blankets/towels/organized dresser drawers and the closet, and Jordan hung all of the artwork on the walls. Logan's room is TOO. STINKIN. CUTE. I will post pictures sometime next week. I am having the big "nursery reveal" at my baby shower this weekend! Amber and Jenny (my sister-in-laws) are throwing me my first shower on Saturday! It was going to be at Amber's house until I was put on bed rest so now we are having it at my house. The only thing I know about the shower is what time it starts and what kind of cake we're having. hehe. I'm sooooo excited. I will be having 2 more showers, but they will not be until after Logan arrives. My Mom is going to host a "sip and see" and then my friend, Emily, is hosting my shower at work. It will be fun to have those 2 events to look forward to after the baby arrives!
I think that's all for now. It's hard to believe that I just have to make it FOUR more weeks and then this baby will be ready to come at any time. It's so close! I am one excited Momma.
Hi Taylor,
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear things are looking good! I have kept up with reading your posts! You must be getting so excited!
Erin Thaemlitz