Friday, December 3, 2010

BIG baby!

So today was my follow-up with the doctor. I started by having an ultrasound done to check my cervix and Logan's measurements. We'll start with Logan. We have a BIG boy on our hands! His head is measuring 28 weeks and his overall measurements are 27 weeks. We should have known he would have a huge head since Mommy and Daddy both have a huge noggin. I guess we know he'll be very smart. hehe. As for the rest of his body, he's always measured ahead, however, the doctor never wanted to change my due date. He weighs 2lbs 1oz and had a heart rate of 161bpm. They also measured his precious feet. I wanted to say, "little feet," but like I said in a previous post, he's going to take after his Daddy's size 14/15. His feet are already 5cm long. Awwwww.

The "cyst" in his tummy has not grown...hooray!!! My doctor said he will talk to the high risk doctor to see if we can postpone the MRI for a while longer. There's nothing we can do about it until Logan is born anyway, so my doctor doesn't seem to want to rush the MRI while I'm having all these other issues. I also got weighed today. I've lost 3 pounds since going on bedrest. How does that happen? Especially when I'm not getting any exercise by walking...and all I do is eat and lay around like a bum. I'm not long as Logan gains more, I don't mind going backward a little bit. hehe. My doctor didn't seem concerned...same thing, as long as the baby is growing, all is well! So...that puts me at +7lbs from pre-pregnancy. Again, my dear child, THANK YOU!

Now for my cervix. In a previous post I mentioned that the high risk doctor measured it as 2.17cm. Then I had the cerclage and haven't been checked since. My doctor didn't want to check me in the hospital because he didn't want to irritate or make anything worse when it came to my uterus. it was between 1.6-1,9cm. There were about 3 different measurements...I guess they take an average. After the ultrasound, the doctor did a pelvic exam and said he could tell it was shorter, however, he is not worried. He said it probably changed when my uterus was going crazy those first 3 days after the cerclage was done. He also said that the funneling (when the amniotic sac starts to push through the cervix for delivery) is pretty normal for this stage in my pregnancy. My doctor is not worried about the small change. He said what matters now is what happens between today and Logan's delivery. Fingers crossed it stays the same!

My bedrest restrictions and home monitoring sessions will not change for at least 6 more weeks. After that, my doctor said we will discuss some modifications. I haven't had any contractions since Wednesday morning and the ones I had then were VERY small...only 2 in an hour. I guess that means the pump and medicine are working. I will have weekly ultrasounds and visits with the doctor from here on out. My next appointment is Wednesday, Dec 8th. I will also be doing my glucose test that day...oh joy. The nurse did say that women on bedrest get to sit in recliners for the one hour glucose test...woohoo. I deserve come kind of "perk" for going through all of this! All in all, my doctor said he is pleased with where things are at right now. We are in a much "safer" stage in the pregnancy, even though I still have a long way to go. Please keep praying for things to stay the same, if not better!!!

When I got home, the nurses from the home health services came to the house to watch me change the pump site in my leg. I did it all by myself! I will have to change it every 5 days. They were also sweet enough to give me my weekly progesterone shot because Jordan is still too scared to give it to me. He's terrified of hurting me. I keep telling him that I'm the best patient because needles don't bother me...he won't listen. That's about all that happened while they were here. They were pleased with how my monitoring sessions have been going and said I'm doing everything right.

I will leave you with the belly pictures I promised! It felt so good to put on make-up, wear normal clothes, and leave the house today!

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