Monday, January 31, 2011

We're getting closerrrrrr....

Sometimes it feels like I've been pregnant forever...and sometimes it feels like it's going by SO FAST. I can't believe that tomorrow is February and there is a VERY good chance our little March lucky charm will turn into a February love bug. aahhhh. Logan is all I can think about these days. I go in his room, sit in his glider, and just stare at everything. My lifelong dream of becoming a Mommy is weeks away and I could not be more excited. It also makes my heart so happy to see how excited Jordan is getting. This baby is all we talk about these days and I love when he kisses me goodbye in the morning and says, "You two have a great day!" He really is going to be the best Daddy. I love how he talks to my tummy every night before bed and how Logan jumps as soon as he hears his Daddy's voice. I can't wait to start this brand new journey with my two favorite boys! We are going to have SO. MUCH. FUN. :)

My last post was kind of depressing...sorry about that. After I wrote everything, I had one of the worst nights. I was unbelievably tired and the itching was insane that night. I fell asleep pretty easily around 8:30. When I got up for one of my 500 restroom breaks, I was thinking, "wow...I fell asleep fast and it must be 3 or 4 am." I looked at my phone before getting back into bed...big mistake. It was only 10 pm. I immediately burst into tears. The itching was so bad and I didn't know how I was going to be able to fall back asleep. I didn't want to wake Jordan up so I called my Mom and just bawled like a baby. She convinced me to take 2 Benadryl to knock myself out. I took an Aveeno bath, took 2 Benadryl, and went out on the couch to watch tv so I wouldn't bother Hubs. Needless to say, the medicine worked pretty quickly. I passed out almost immediately and woke up around 1 am to go get back in bed. I felt pretty good the next morning. It's amazing what no sleep will do to an already hormonal pregnant lady. It's not pretty.

On Friday, I had a biophysical ultrasound to check on our little man. They checked his heart and the blood flow through his umbilical cord. All looks well!! I then, briefly, met with my doctor and I mentioned the no sleeping thing. He suggested trying Tylenol PM instead. I've been taking that ever since and, knock on wood, I've been able to sleep a little better. He also said my appointments will now be every Tuesday and Friday until I deliver. He doesn't want to let me go more than 3-4 days without seeing a doctor. Fine by me!! I LOVE seeing my baby and hearing his little heart beat. It is the most wonderful thing in the world. Next appointment is tomorrow, 34 weeks!!!, and I will have another non-stress test. It's hard to believe that I only have TWO more weeks until the stitch comes out, the pump comes out of my leg, I don't have to do any more monitoring, and Jordan doesn't have to give me my weekly shot. CRAZY! Jordan and I have big plans for the day I get the stitch out! We are going out to dinner and making a trip to Target. haha. I promised him I would sit in a wheelchair or use a motorized scooter so I didn't have to walk. I don't care what anyone says, I deserve to go out and do these 2 things!!!

I promised in my last post to talk about my baby shower. WOW! It was truly amazing. Two of my wonderful sister-in-laws, Amber and Jenny, went all out for their nephew. They have been planning this since we announced we were pregnant. They are SO excited to meet Logan and it makes me so happy to see how much love they already have for this little boy. I didn't have a clue as to anything that was going to happen. The only specifications I gave Amber was that I didn't want the typical "baby blue" baby shower. I hate the color baby blue...yuck. They chose a Dr. Seuss theme and everything was decked out in primary colors. It was adorable. The original plan was to have it at Amber's house, but that changed when I was put on bed rest. They came over about 10 am on Saturday morning and I was summoned to stay in my room until everything was ready. When I finally got the ok to go out and see everything, I started crying. Everything was so cute and well thought out. They had spent so much time making everything so special for me and baby boy. I just kept thinking, "Wow. I'M having a baby. This is for MY baby." It was very surreal. We had an awesome turnout...around 20 people, great food, delicious cake (duh...Jenny made it!), cute favors, and Logan was spoiled rotten. I have been so worried about getting all the necessities since I've been on bed rest. My friends definitely helped ease my anxiety. Logan got so many awesome things!

Since we potentially only have 2 more weekends, maybe 3, we will be tying up all the loose ends ASAP. I have ordered some final things we absolutely need right away and they should be delivered this week. Our playard (pack 'n play) came last week and Jordan put that and the swing together this past weekend. LOVE both of them! My Mom is planning on coming over this coming weekend to help me go through the boxes of things that are being shipped to the house and getting everything squared away. Here's what we plan on doing this weekend:
-unpack boxes
-wash clothes/towels/blankets/etc
-put away clothes/towels/blankets/etc
-wash bottles and organize a cabinet in the kitchen that will just be for Logan's items
-install the car seat in my car and Jordan's car
-put everything from the shower in its correct place
-pack hospital bags for me and baby
-I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting!

Whew. It will be a busy weekend, but my Mom has been SO great about helping me. She came over last night and we made a short list of things we still need and she is going to go get it all this week so Jordan doesn't have to worry about it. I know Jordan appreciates her help just as much as I do! :)

Here are the things that still need to get done within the next 2 weeks:
-fill out paperwork for the pediatrician
-make to-to lists with things other people can do for us while I'm recovering in the hospital
-fill out insurance paperwork once baby arrives
-GET A HAIRCUT!!! I haven't gotten a haircut since August. I'm in desperate need of one.
-get my bedroom back to the way it once was by getting the mini-fridge and snack station out of here...I'm so tired of looking at it!

I have to say...I'm feeling good about our progress. I'm not nearly as overwhelmed as I was just a few weeks ago. It's all coming together. I can't thank our families enough for all of their help in preparing for Logan's arrival! I'm a very anal, over-prepared person so it has been difficult to not be able to do all of these things myself. However, Jordan and I are so grateful that our parents have done so much already to make sure we are not stressed these last few weeks!

I will post my weekly update tomorrow...34 weeks. WOW. I can't believe I met my second goal for myself. Some of the nurses in the hospital didn't think I would make it this far and it feels so good to prove them wrong! Keep on cookin' Logan, keep on cookin'!

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