Monday, November 29, 2010

Let's go back to the beginning....

Ok...I'm going to go back to the beginning. Jordan and I found out at midnight on July 2, 2010 that we were going to be parents. We had just had some friends over for dinner and to catch up. Jordan had gone to bed and I thought, "what the heck..." I wanted to take a test (even though I knew it was too early). To my surprise, the faintest of faint lines showed up almost immediately. I had always dreamed of these creative, fun ways I would tell Jordan he was going to be a daddy. That all seemed to fly out the window as soon as that line showed up. I ran into the bedroom, woke up Jordan, and kept saying, "please tell me you see what I'm seeing." Unfortunately, Jordan kept saying I was seeing things. I got frustrated and decided to point it out with a pen...yes, I was desperate. Finally, he agreed that SOMETHING was there, but he still wasn't convinced it meant what I thought it meant. Soooooo...what did we do next? We hopped in the car at midnight and made a run to Wal-Mart for a digital test. We came home and I was certain it would say NOT PREGNANT due to how early I was testing. Jordan went back into the bedroom and I decided to film that blinking hourglass for the next 2 minutes when all of a sudden, PREGNANT popped up on the screen. I screamed! I ran in to show Jordan and we both sat there staring at the screen for what seemed like forever. We couldn't believe this was happening. We were becoming parents!

Flashforward to week 5. I started spotting. Of course, this freaked me out. However, I was told by numerous people that it could be normal for me and not to worry just yet. On August 3rd, I had my 8 week appointment. Getting to 8 weeks seemed like an eternity. By that point, my all-day morning sickness had begun and I was feeling AWFUL. We had our first ultrasound that day and Jordan and I looked like deer in headlights when that little gummy bear popped up on the screen. It was surreal. My spotting continued, but the baby was perfect and everything looked great. I was given Zofran for my nausea and all was right in my world again.

On August 13th, Friday the 13th to be exact, we had the biggest scare of our lives. I had made a run through Chick-fil-a and headed up to my school to finish working on my classroom before our first week back. I walked into my room, sat my stuff down, and went to the restroom. When I got to the restroom, I noticed that I was bleeding...a lot. I panicked, grabbed my stuff, and started making phone calls. I met my mother-in-law at her house so she could drive me to the ER. My doctor had already been called and my parents and Jordan were meeting us there. After 3 scary hours, blood tests, and an ultrasound, it was confirmed that our little gummy bear was perfectly fine and seemed to be unaffected by anything that was going on. Praise God!

After our scare, my spotting continued and I had ultrasounds every 2 weeks. It was found that my placenta was not fully attached yet and there was a pool of blood hanging out between the placenta and uterus. At week 16, it finally went away!

Week 20-we had our anatomy scan and invited the grandparents. We also had it confirmed that we were having a BOY! Logan Scott Wheeler was such a wiggle worm during the he is on a daily basis. His measurements were perfect...some of them were even ahead of his gestational age. After the ultrasound, we met with our doctor to discuss the results. He was very pleased with everything, but said that the tech found a small "cyst" in his abdomen. We were told it could be a number of things, but the main thing was that it was not harming him in any way. We were told to come back in two weeks to check it out again via ultrasound. Our doctor wanted to get another look and see if it had grown before referring us to a high risk doctor.

That leads me to the next post....

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